Chapter 6: Ancient rituals.

As we stepped inside the heart of the temple, I was struck by the sheer scale of the room. The ceiling disappeared into darkness, and the walls were lined with ancient artifacts.

Aashi led me to a large stone pedestal, where a leather-bound book lay open. The pages were yellowed with age, and the writing was in a language I couldn't understand.

"This is the ritual book," Aashi said, her voice low. "It contains the secrets of the ancient rituals performed in this temple."

I felt a sense of awe as I gazed at the book. I had always been fascinated by the supernatural, and this was like a treasure trove of secrets.

As I began to read the book, I realized that the rituals were not just simple ceremonies. They were complex and dark, involving human sacrifice and ancient powers.

Aashi's eyes seemed to bore into my soul as I read, and I knew that she was hiding something from me. But what?

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